SES by

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Checking Free Space:

In order to check the free and usage space per file system and directory and each sub directory we have two command

    1. df
    2. du

the ‘df’ command reports on a per file system basis. It report total disk space , disk space used , disk space free

#df –h

-h : used multipliers such as G or M for gigabytes and Megabytes

The ‘du’ command reports the number of kilobytes contained by the items within a directory

#du –s

#du –h

-s : used to request only the summary directory information

#du –s /etc


Aliases are shortcut names for large commands. If we have command that run often, but take a considerable amount of typing, we can reduce these to an aliases.

Alias c=clear

We can make a permanent entry of alias in .bashrc file


#vi .bashrc

alias c=`clear`

save and exit

Test your change by logging out, logging back and type the following




zer0c00l said...

dude i thought i'd get to see a whole bunch of linux commands out here
but i got only few
pretty Cool , uuh!!
y dont u post in a fe more commands!!

zer0c00l said...

alrite now here are few more tricks!!
u can create a file instantly using the following command

touch filename

also u can change ur mode from GUI to NO GUI level

jst type ./init 3

to return back to the GUI form type ./init 5

now in case you wanna view what are the different processes running on to ur machine


this shows No of processes running at a time on ur machine
u can view a detailed version of this by typing

ps aux | grep

this will show process along with their ID's and PID's
inorder to end a process type in the following command

kill (ID NO)
the ID NO is for the process ID
eg: kill 2454

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