SES by

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Representation of Hard disk


/dev/had : Primary Master

/dev/hdb : Primary Slave

/dev/hdc : Secondary Master

/dev/hdd : Secondary slave

Fdisk command is used to create a partition

#fdisk –l

Display the partition Listing

Creating Partition

#fdisk /dev/had

Press(m for help): m

Some important switches are

D : delete partition

N : New

L : listing

Q : quit

W : Save and Exit

T : changed type

Press : n

l : Logical (5 or above)

p: Logical partition( 1-4)

Type l

First cylinder (Take as default): Press Enter

Last Cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (….) : +100M

Command (m for help) : w

# partprobe

( to update the partition table without restarting the computer)

Now we need to format the partition

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdax

Where x is the number of partition that is newly created

Now we mount this partition

#mkdir /partx

#mount –t ext3 /dev/hdax /partx


#mount /dev/hdax /partx

To mount this partition permanently make the entry in fstab

#vi /etc/fstab

/dev/hdax /partx ext3 defaults 1 2

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