Introduction to System Service
Every computer that connect to network require some IP address assign permanently to a computer host known as static IP address and some IP address leased by DHCP server for a limited period of time known as dynamic IP address.
There are 2 standard IP address
- IPv4
- IPv6
IPv4 has a 32 bit and are in Octet-doted decimal lists
IPv6 address have 120 bits
To check the connectivity
To check the IP address
To set the IP address
#vi /etc/sysconfig/network
#vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scriptd/ifcfg-eth0
Device = eth0
Boot Proto = static
Onboot = yes
IPaddr =
Netmask =
Gateway =
To make Network UP and DOWN
#ifdown eth0
#ifup eth0
We can also assign temporary IP address to a LAN card. It will remain until we restart the computer then after that it will take IP address from ifcfg-eth0
#ifconfig eth0
Introduction To System Service
According to the service management, service are divided into three category
- service which are managed by init command, which are not TCP/IP services
- service which are managed by service command
- service which are based on xinetd that is some back ground process services
to check the service whether ON or OFF use
#service service_name status
#chkconfig –list
#chkconfig –list service_name
#service nfs status
#chkconfig –list
#chkconfig –list nfs
To Make service ON or OFF
#chkconfig nfs on
#chkconfig nfs off
To stop the particular service for particular Run level
#chkconfig –level 3 nfs off
#chkconfig –level 3 5 on/off
To make on or off in run level 3 and 5
#ntsysv : will start /stop all the services in a particular run level. It will display the dialog box in which all the services are mentioned
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