SES by

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Introduction to System Service

Every computer that connect to network require some IP address assign permanently to a computer host known as static IP address and some IP address leased by DHCP server for a limited period of time known as dynamic IP address.

There are 2 standard IP address

  1. IPv4
  2. IPv6

IPv4 has a 32 bit and are in Octet-doted decimal lists


IPv6 address have 120 bits

To check the connectivity


To check the IP address


To set the IP address



#vi /etc/sysconfig/network


#vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scriptd/ifcfg-eth0

Device = eth0

Boot Proto = static

Onboot = yes

IPaddr =

Netmask =

Gateway =

To make Network UP and DOWN

#ifdown eth0

#ifup eth0

We can also assign temporary IP address to a LAN card. It will remain until we restart the computer then after that it will take IP address from ifcfg-eth0

#ifconfig eth0

Introduction To System Service

According to the service management, service are divided into three category

  1. service which are managed by init command, which are not TCP/IP services
  2. service which are managed by service command
  3. service which are based on xinetd that is some back ground process services

to check the service whether ON or OFF use

#service service_name status

#chkconfig –list

#chkconfig –list service_name


#service nfs status

#chkconfig –list

#chkconfig –list nfs

To Make service ON or OFF

#chkconfig nfs on

#chkconfig nfs off

To stop the particular service for particular Run level

#chkconfig –level 3 nfs off

#chkconfig –level 3 5 on/off

To make on or off in run level 3 and 5

#ntsysv : will start /stop all the services in a particular run level. It will display the dialog box in which all the services are mentioned

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